The first nine adversaries are not new: "The Walk" is a copy of the
original card, with a more interesting image, in my opinion. I
created a card related with the Peacocks and Vassily Peskow almost 20 years ago, in 2008, but now I have redesigned them
after realizing two important details: in addition to Sherman Peacock,
George Peacock also attacked Mulder and Scully in Home. However, brother
Edmund was not included as he did not directly confront them. In fact,
he survives the episode. During the fight, George takes Mulder's gun, so
I added that effect to the card. Additionally, Vassily Peskow is a
friend of Krycek, so he should never attack Alex! I included that detail
as well. Among the rest of the cards, there are some with very amusing
effects, like "Visions of a Shaman" or "Chung's Cosmic Goliath". Greg Fremaux and Robert Czepiel evolved the effect of "The Gray Haired Man" and among us we created a very interesting card. I hope you like them!
(XF08-0316v1 - XF08-0324v1) - DOWNLOAD HERE
(XF08-0325v1 - XF08-0333v1) - DOWNLOAD HERE
(XF08-0334v1 - XF08-0342v1) - DOWNLOAD HERE
(XF08-0343v1 - XF08-0351v1) - DOWNLOAD HERE
Some comments about each card:
- Janke Dacyshyn: Abducts and incapacitates an Agent, making them ineffective until they are sent to the Hospital. Keep in mind that this card skips Long Range Combat, so it will be difficult that Janke dies in the first CRC round. He will be able to reduce to zero HEALTH one Agent, so that Agent will probably lose many turns abducted and in the hospital (only one Agent).
- Blinding Predator: This creature blinds an Agent during the first CLOSE RANGE COMBAT round, preventing them from dealing damage. It's a very similar car to Squeeze in terms of cost, less HEALTH, but with the Advantage of being able to reduce CRC of 1 Agent (to be used with the strongest one) for the first combat round.
- The Bat Thing: Skips LONG RANGE COMBAT, can be played with a SKEPTIC Agent, and uses SUBTERFUGE combat cards. Also very similar to Squeeze, just 1 CP more expensive, but with the ability to be played anytime if you opponent uses any skeptic Agent (very common).
- Schlugg’s Cult: Prevents an Agent from contributing to skill checks until all tokens are removed. Does not initiate combat. A little bit expensive, but the Agent will stay some turns in the Field completely useless.
- Ronnie Strickland: Only BELIEVER Agents can damage him. Combat ends if no BELIEVERS are present. The CRC and HEALTH values of this creature are higher than other Adversaries of same cost, like Squeeze, because the LONG RANGE COMBAT is not skipped, so it is easy that Ronnie dies in the LRC. Anyway, only BELIEVER agents may damage him, so it will be a question of luck what may happen, depending on your opponent's Team.
- Animated Snakes: This card can be played for less CP on OCCULT INVESTIGATION sites. Powerful in combat. But in the LRC will suffer a lot, that's why we gave the snakes a HEALTH value of 10, to be able to attack in CRC for 1 or 2 rounds. It will probably put 2 agents in the hospital. A little bit expensive, but 6 CP would have been too cheap for a card with 6/10.
- Animated Snakes: This card can be played for less CP on OCCULT INVESTIGATION sites. Powerful in combat. But in the LRC will suffer a lot, that's why we gave the snakes a HEALTH value of 10, to be able to attack in CRC for 1 or 2 rounds. It will probably put 2 agents in the hospital. A little bit expensive, but 6 CP would have been too cheap for a card with 6/10.
- Lasioderma Serricorne Outbreak: Inspired in F. Emasculata Outbreak. This card incapacitates an Agent, sending them to the Hospital with damage after a turn.
- Whanshang Dole: Inspired on The Manitou card. This one deals damage first in combat, potentially sending opponents directly to the Hospital.
- Faceless Alien Rebel: This card may play a combat card already used (from the discard pile) each round and reduces damage during LONG RANGE COMBAT. Very powerful card, but also very expensive.
- Maitreya’s Virtual Menace: This card may use MARTIAL ARTS combat cards. Damage can be mitigated by spending Resource Points. Cheap, but can only be used on Computer Sites.
- Aquatic Nightmare: This creature will not deal damage in LRC, but will surely send an Agent to the Hospital fully damage spending 5 CP. Combined with many Combat cards could be quite useful.
- Maitreya’s Virtual Menace: This card may use MARTIAL ARTS combat cards. Damage can be mitigated by spending Resource Points. Cheap, but can only be used on Computer Sites.
- Aquatic Nightmare: This creature will not deal damage in LRC, but will surely send an Agent to the Hospital fully damage spending 5 CP. Combined with many Combat cards could be quite useful.
- Kill Switch: Delivers 5 damage points that can be distributed over the Agents in a team (reduced by Agents' COMPUTER skill).
- Alien Spider Infestation: Causes an Agent to attack their own team until all are defeated or the agent is hospitalized. Expensive, but you know that he will be defeated and sent to the hospital, and also will deliver damage to an Agent. You will easily have one Agent in the hospital and other one wounded. Imagine this card combined with certain Combat cards.
- Karin’s Dark Sorcery: Skips LONG RANGE COMBAT and removes Resource Points when sending Agents to the Hospital. It will be easy that this happen. Cost is 2 CP more than Squeeze, just with 1 point of CRC higher, that's why we balanced the card with a powerful Game Effect to remove 4 RPs from opponent's pool.
- Mothman’s Lair: Can be negated by a successful SUBTERFUGE skill check. This is a risk, but with a good prize: the chosen Agent fights alone initially, so the Mothman will defeat the weakest Agent and then will probably defeat a second Agent. Not bad for a card that cost 5 CP.
- Demonic Puppet: This card forces an Agent to self-inflict damage equal to their combat values. No direct combat. A good card to send to the Hospital good Agents like Krycek (LRC: 4, CRC: 2, Health 5). Satisfaction guaranteed!.
- Wetwired: Causes an Agent to attack another Agent in their team, leading to hospitalization. Very expensive card because it can be played anywhere. You will have easily two Agents sent to the hospital in any Site played by your opponent.
- Cult Carnage: Just a node or tribute to those Adversary cards that can be played after your opponent plays a Witness. This card "converts" a Witness into an adversary who attacks an Agent during only one LONG RANGE COMBAT delivering 4 damage.
- The Twins Poisonous Attack: Requires an OBSERVATION skill check to avoid damage. Inflicts 4 damage over am Agent (your choice) if the check fails. Cheap and effective card.
- Fetishist Prey Women Hunter: We wanted a card dedicated to this guy. Targets a female Agent, restricting play to such scenarios. Powerful card but... what if your opponent has no female Agents in his team?
- Subliminal Assault: Forces an Agent (chosen randomly!) to combat their own team members, and you control the Agent! Very similar to other Adversary cards of this expansion as "Subliminal messages" or "Alien Spider Infestation". But these ones only engage two Agents. "Subliminal messages" can be played anywhere (more expensive) and "Alien Spider Infestation" allows you to choose one Agent. This card is the cheapest one, and the Agent is chosen at random.
- Visions of a Shaman: This card has dynamic LRC, CRC, and HEALTH values based on top three cards of Bureau deck, providing flexibility and potential surprise elements.
Chung’s Cosmic Goliath: The cheapest Adversy card ever! This card only immobilizes one Agent, making them unable to contribute to site skill checks, providing a strategic advantage by weakening an opponent’s team. No damage is dealt to the Agent.
- The Gray Haired Man: Reduces each Agent's LRC to 1, forcing opponents to make tough decisions about which Agent to use in combat. This card might be very powerful or very weak, but will surely send one Agent to the Hospital (maybe 2).
- George and Sherman Peacock’s Attack: Steals equipment that increases LRC from Agents, transferring it to the Peacock brothers, potentially weakening the opponent’s attack capabilities. This couple will surely deliver 5 damage, and maybe could send up to two Agents to the Hospital. If they have an Equipment card that increases LRC they will have even more problems.
- Vassily Peskow: Restricts combat to a single Agent, offering a strategic advantage by narrowing the pool of opponents.
- Knowle Rohrer: Regenerates health every combat round, making him a durable and tough adversary to defeat.
- The Siddhi Mystic’s Curse: Assigns damage based on the cost value of cards drawn from the Bureau deck. A box of surprises.
Chung’s Cosmic Goliath: The cheapest Adversy card ever! This card only immobilizes one Agent, making them unable to contribute to site skill checks, providing a strategic advantage by weakening an opponent’s team. No damage is dealt to the Agent.
- The Gray Haired Man: Reduces each Agent's LRC to 1, forcing opponents to make tough decisions about which Agent to use in combat. This card might be very powerful or very weak, but will surely send one Agent to the Hospital (maybe 2).
- George and Sherman Peacock’s Attack: Steals equipment that increases LRC from Agents, transferring it to the Peacock brothers, potentially weakening the opponent’s attack capabilities. This couple will surely deliver 5 damage, and maybe could send up to two Agents to the Hospital. If they have an Equipment card that increases LRC they will have even more problems.
- Vassily Peskow: Restricts combat to a single Agent, offering a strategic advantage by narrowing the pool of opponents.
- Knowle Rohrer: Regenerates health every combat round, making him a durable and tough adversary to defeat.
- The Siddhi Mystic’s Curse: Assigns damage based on the cost value of cards drawn from the Bureau deck. A box of surprises.
- Erwin Lukesh: Allows only Agents with OBSERVATION or SUBTERFUGE skills to attack during long-range combat, providing selective protection.
- Van Allen’s Revenge: Allows for the return of the card to the player’s hand post-combat, provided they pay CP, adding flexibility to reuse this card.
- Rob Roberts, the Voracious Predator: Reduces an Agent's HEALTH by 2 at the start of each combat round and heals himself if an Agent’s health drops to 0, making him a dangerous and self-sustaining adversary.
- Lord of the Flies: Webs an Agent, preventing their actions and potentially allowing the player to draw extra cards if the Agent’s health is reduced to 0.
- Jinn’s Twisted Wish: Ends the opponent's turn as Active player when this card reaches the top of their deck, adding a strategic twist to disrupt their plans.
- Sect Leader Anthony Tipet: Can control one Agent during combat or end combat immediately, making him a strategic disruptor with the ability to control the flow of the game.
- Caballero, Memory Vampire: This card does not initiate combat, but allows strategic peeking at the opponent’s deck or preventing Agent healing by discarding tokens. Very interesting card! All of them try to capture the spirit of each chapter with imaginative game effects that we hope enjoy in your games.
List of Adversaries (2023-25)
XF08-0315v1 - Ellen Adderly
XF08-0316v1 - Janke Dacyshyn
XF08-0317v1 - Blinding Predator
XF08-0318v1 - The Bat Thing
XF08-0319v1 - Schlugg’s Cult
XF08-0320v1 - Ronnie Strickland
XF08-0321v1 - Animated Snakes
XF08-0322v1 - Lasioderma Serricorne Outbreak
XF08-0323v1 - Whanshang Dole
XF08-0324v1 - Faceless Alien Rebel
XF08-0325v1 - Maitreya’s Virtual Menace
XF08-0326v1 - Aquatic Nightmare
XF08-0327v1 - Kill Switch
XF08-0328v1 - Alien Spider infestation
XF08-0329v1 - Karin’s Dark Sorcery
XF08-0330v1 - Mothman’s Lair
XF08-0331v1 - Demonic Puppet
XF08-0332v1 - Wetwired
XF08-0333v1 - Cult Carnage
XF08-0334v1 - The Twins Poisonous Attack
XF08-0335v1 - Fetishist Prey Women Hunter
XF08-0336v1 - Subliminal Assault
XF08-0337v1 - The Walk (version 2)
XF08-0338v1 - Visions of a Shaman
XF08-0339v1 - Chung’s Cosmic Goliath
XF08-0340v1 - The Gray Haired Man
XF08-0341v1 - George and Sherman Peacock’s attack
XF08-0342v1 - Vassily Peskow
XF08-0343v1 - Knowle Rohrer
XF08-0344v1 - The Mystic’s Curse
XF08-0345v1 - Erwin Lukesh
XF08-0346v1 - Van Allen’s Revenge
XF08-0347v1 - Rob Roberts, the voracious predator
XF08-0348v1 - Lord of the Flies
XF08-0349v1 - Jinn’s Twisted Wish
XF08-0350v1 - Sect Leader Anthony Tipet
XF08-0351v1 - Caballero, Memory Vampire
XF08-0352v1 - Lulu Pfeiffer
XF08-0353v1 - Betty Templeton
XF08-0354v1 - Ray Pearce, Metal Fury
XF08-0316v1 - Janke Dacyshyn
XF08-0317v1 - Blinding Predator
XF08-0318v1 - The Bat Thing
XF08-0319v1 - Schlugg’s Cult
XF08-0320v1 - Ronnie Strickland
XF08-0321v1 - Animated Snakes
XF08-0322v1 - Lasioderma Serricorne Outbreak
XF08-0323v1 - Whanshang Dole
XF08-0324v1 - Faceless Alien Rebel
XF08-0325v1 - Maitreya’s Virtual Menace
XF08-0326v1 - Aquatic Nightmare
XF08-0327v1 - Kill Switch
XF08-0328v1 - Alien Spider infestation
XF08-0329v1 - Karin’s Dark Sorcery
XF08-0330v1 - Mothman’s Lair
XF08-0331v1 - Demonic Puppet
XF08-0332v1 - Wetwired
XF08-0333v1 - Cult Carnage
XF08-0334v1 - The Twins Poisonous Attack
XF08-0335v1 - Fetishist Prey Women Hunter
XF08-0336v1 - Subliminal Assault
XF08-0337v1 - The Walk (version 2)
XF08-0338v1 - Visions of a Shaman
XF08-0339v1 - Chung’s Cosmic Goliath
XF08-0340v1 - The Gray Haired Man
XF08-0341v1 - George and Sherman Peacock’s attack
XF08-0342v1 - Vassily Peskow
XF08-0343v1 - Knowle Rohrer
XF08-0344v1 - The Mystic’s Curse
XF08-0345v1 - Erwin Lukesh
XF08-0346v1 - Van Allen’s Revenge
XF08-0347v1 - Rob Roberts, the voracious predator
XF08-0348v1 - Lord of the Flies
XF08-0349v1 - Jinn’s Twisted Wish
XF08-0350v1 - Sect Leader Anthony Tipet
XF08-0351v1 - Caballero, Memory Vampire
XF08-0352v1 - Lulu Pfeiffer
XF08-0353v1 - Betty Templeton
XF08-0354v1 - Ray Pearce, Metal Fury
Original Designs (2008)






- Shannon McMahon - Supersoldier (Nothing Important...)
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